Laser scanning technology has brought more good to the world than you can think of. It is being used in many different facets today, bringing advancement and accuracy like never before. One such sphere where it largely contributes is land surveying.
You may have heard about laser scanning targets, but have never tried one before. In order to get the most out of laser scanning technology, you are going to need one of these nifty little things. That way, you can get efficient measurements, accurate, and very detailed 3D models.
Today we talk about scanner targets for surveying, as one of the essential tools in modern surveying.
What is a Laser Scanner Target?
A Laser scan target is a passive device used to reflect beams that are emitted by a laser scanner. It allows the scanner to pick up very accurate spatial imagery. Laser scanner targets are often used in the field, particularly when it comes to industrial manufacturing, construction surveys, and architecture.
Laser Scanner Target Markers |
Specifications |
Large Size Circular Target with Reflect Sheet |
The job of scanner targets is to act as reference points for laser scanners. The way it reflects the beam back to the scanner helps to determine the distance, orientation, and position of the objects within the scanning area. This will allow the scanner to create a perfect 3D image, also called point clouds, of the surveyed area.
Laser scanner targets are highly reflective and precise. They are usually made with materials like retroreflective tape or have a special type of coating on them that helps to enhance reflection. You will also notice some patterns or shapes on these types of targets, which act as helpers and points of identification and alignment during scans.
Advantages of Using a Scanner Target for Survey
The key advantage of using laser scanner targets in surveying is that it can help to improve the reliability and accuracy of the results. By creating a point of reference, it can help to reduce both errors and distortions, which are a possibility during every scan. This counts the most when you are doing surveys that require a great deal of accuracy and pinpoint precision.
Scanning targets are also very versatile and helpful in the field. You can use them both outdoors or indoors or in various types of environments. With them, you can easily map out any type of terrain, a building facade, or even inspect complex machinery. With them, you can do basically everything and come up with positive results every time.
Types of Laser Scanner Targets
With laser scanner targets being present in all types of industries, there are various types of laser scanners that serve different purposes. One such type are retroreflective targets. These are made out of special materials that help to reflect the beam back to its source. The scanner receives a strong and accurate signal, even at a larger distance. These are most commonly used in large-scale projects in infrastructure development or building construction.
There are also adhesive targets. These can be attached to various surfaces and are very effective in indoor use, where mounting targets can be very hard to do. Besides indoor applications, adhesive targets are also useful in VR applications and architectural modeling.
Prism targets are especially useful when it comes to outdoor use in land surveying and topographic mapping. When it comes to these targets they help to reflect the beam back to its source with the use of prisms. Besides being accurate, these types of targets are effective on long distances.
Besides the mentioned, much more commonly used surveying targets, there are a few specialized ones that serve specific purposes. These would include underwater targets, for aquatic use, or high-precision targets, where pinpoint accuracy is a must.
Choosing the Right Laser Scanner Target for Your Survey
Getting the right piece of equipment for the job you are doing is paramount. Laser scanners are versatile tools that are used in various industries. So picking the one for a specific situation and determining the exact needs in the first place, will help you determine the right laser target for the job.
First thing, you have to understand the difference between the various types of laser targets. So for instance, if you are looking to capture imagery from multiple angles, spherical targets would work the best, and they are also useful in large-scale projects
You also have to take into account the size and shape of the laser scanner targets. The target needs to be large enough so the scanner can easily detect it. This could be problematic when working in challenging environments, so the target needs to be large and visible enough. Also, it is best to avoid targets with uneven or complex patterns or shapes, as it makes it harder to pick up by the scanner.
Be sure to pick a target made out of reflective materials. Targets made out of retroreflective materials work best. That way, you can be much more confident that the beam emitted from the laser scanner will bounce back off the target and successfully return to its source.
Finally, you have to mind your surroundings. The environment that you are working in and its elements will affect the accuracy of a survey a great deal. So you have to be sure to pick a target that adapts to the humidity, conditions, temperature, etc. so it can withstand the situation and provide you with the most accurate results.
Best Practices for Using Laser Scanner Targets
In order to accurately pick the right type of laser scanner for the job you are doing, there are a few steps that you will be following. Your main goal is to get the most accurate and precise result possible during a survey, so your focus should mainly revolve around achieving those goals.
- Picking the right type of laser scanner: Each laser scanner target has its own properties. You are going to have to pick one (adhesive, spherical, retroreflective) based on the application you are going to need it for.
- Proper positioning: Be sure to position the target properly in the area of significance where your survey is being conducted.
- Maintain visibility of the target: Inspect and clean the target regularly. Small bits like dirt or dust can actually affect the results you are getting by a lot.
- Calibrate the laser scanner before each outing: Be sure to align the scanner with the target properly, so you get better results.
For more info about scanner targets for surveying, check the answers below.
What are scanner targets?
Scanner targets are created to help enhance the accuracy and efficiency of laser scanner technology. Making sure that precise measurements and data are collected. They help to reflect the beam back to its source, allowing for proper data to be collected.
What does a survey scanner do?
When it comes to 3D laser scanner targets, placing them strategically around a site and using a scanner will help you get the most accurate and best results possible. A scanner will emit a beam, which will then hit its target and be reflected back to its source. With the beam going back, the scanner is able to collect all the crucial data needed for this type of survey.
What is scanning in surveying?
A scanning survey is when laser technology, also referred to as Lidar, is implemented within a survey. With the help of a laser beam, surveyors are able to measure the distance, position, and shape of objects found in the surveyed environment.